이혼거부하자 아내가 밥에 주방세제를 넣는 몰카
밥 먹고 구토,,, 남편 설치한 카메라에 덜미
일본에서 이혼을 요구했지만 받아들여지지 않자 남편 음식에 주방세제, 욕실세제 등을 넣은 아내가 경찰에 붙잡혔다. 아내의 범죄 행각은 음식 맛이 이상하다고 여긴 남편이 집에 설치한 CCTV에 고스란히 찍혔다.
9월27일 마이니치신문은 가나가와현 지가사키시에 사는 여성 A씨(49)가 지난 3월 남편의 음식에 세제를 넣은 혐의로 검찰에 송치됐다고 보도했다.
남편(50)은 지난 2월부터 음식 맛이 이상하다는 느낌을 받았다. 실제로 아내가 차려준 음식을 먹고 구토를 하기도 했다.
남편은 이후 집안에 소형 감시카메라를 설치했고, 아내가 음식에 주방세제와 표백제, 욕실 세정제 등을 넣는 모습을 포착했다.
다행히 음식에 들어간 세제 양은 치사량은 아니어서 남편 몸에는 큰 이상이 없는 상태로 전해졌다.
경찰에 체포된 A씨는 모든 혐의를 인정했다. 부부는 평소 불화를 겪었고, 자신의 이혼 요구를 받아주지 않자 범행을 저지른 것으로 알려졌다.
남편은 “아내가 지난 1월 ‘이혼하고 싶다. 집에서 나가 달라’고 했는데 내가 안 나가니까 내쫓고 싶어서 그런 것 같다”며 “어떤 잘못을 저질렀는지 깨달았으면 좋겠다”고 말했다.
주방용 세제에 쓰이는 중성, 약알칼리성 세제는 독성이 적은 편이지만 다량 섭취할 경우 건강을 해칠 수 있다.
Wife on camera allegedly trying to poison him with dish soap
September 26, 2020,
East Japan man catches wife on camera allegedly trying to poison him with dish soap - The Mainichi
YOKOHAMA -- Kanagawa Prefectural Police sent papers on a local 49-year-old woman to prosecutors in August on suspicion of battery after her husband ca
Wife wanted to divorce; husband disagreed in January 2020,
YOKOHAMA - Kanagawa Prefectural Police sent papers on a local 49-year-old woman to prosecutors in August on suspicion of battery after her husband caught her mixing dish soap into his meals, the Mainichi Shimbun[newspaper] has learned.
The woman, a resident of the Kanagawa Prefecture city of Chigasaki, south of Tokyo, stands accused of mixing mild alkaline dish soap and other substances into her 50-year-old husband's breakfast on March 12. The husband did not get sick from this particular incident. The woman has reportedly admitted to the allegations.
According to sources close to the matter, the couple were having marital problems.
The husband started noticing something wrong with his food around February this year, and apparently threw up after a meal at least once.
He set up a small camera in his house, which captured his wife putting dish soap, bleach and bathroom cleaning soap in his food.
The husband saved some of the food items in a container before consulting with the police.
An investigative source said the amount put in his meals was not enough to kill the man. According to the Japan Poison Information Center, the toxicity of neutral or mild alkaline detergent, often used for dish soap and other household cleaning items, is low. However, the center maintains that it could be dangerous if consumed in large quantities, as there is one recorded case of an elderly person with dementia being hospitalized after drinking an entire bottle of neutral kitchen soap.
The husband told the Mainichi Shimbun, "My wife told me in January that she wanted a divorce and that she wanted me to move out, but I stayed. Maybe she wanted to kick me out instead. I want her to realize how serious what she has done is."
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