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Community, Society difference 차이, T018

4hapiness 2022. 7. 16. 11:57

Commun Socie.docx

* Community, Society difference 차이,  

색이 있는 화일 첨부


한인사회는 Korean community 인가 Korean society 인가?


Community 는 공통된 이해관계, 목표, 인식(지각), 견해 가 비슷한 사람들이 사는 공동체,

Society 는 이해관계, 목표, 인식(지각), 견해가 같지 않은 사람들이 모여사는 공동체,


Community = Common interests, goals, perceptions, opinions are necessary among people living in a community.

community is a collection of people with similar interests who essentially live in one geographic location in a society.

The concept of society prevails only among humans.


Society = society is built on interactions with different people.

Common interests, goals, perceptions, opinions are not necessary among people living in a society.

The concept of society prevails among humans as well as animals.