Avenue Boulevard Road Street 길 이름 구별 방법 eng,
* Alley ; 주택들 사이 좁은 길, 언제나 운전 할수 있는 [주행 가능 한] 길은 아님,
a narrow path or road between buildings, sometimes connects streets, not always drivable.
* Avenue (Ave) : 양쪽에 건물이 있는 길,
also a public way that has buildings or trees on either side of it.
They run perpendicular[직각의, 수직의] to streets.
* Bay ; a small road where both ends link to the same connecting road.
* Boulevard (Blvd) : 양쪽에 나무 식물이 있는 넓은 길, 하지만 요즘은 나무 식물이 꼭 있어야하는건 아닌것 같다.
A very wide city street that has trees and vegetation on both sides of it. There’s also usually a median in the middle of boulevards.
* Court (Ct) : 길의 끝이 둥그렇거나 고리 모양으로 된 길,
a road or street that ends in a circle or loop.
* Crescent [초승달] ; S 자 모양의 길
a windy S like shape, or just a crescent shape, for the record, above definition of bay was also given to me for crescent.
* Drive (Dr) : 호수, 산에 가까운 [자연 환경에 의해] 길고 구불구불한 길
a long, winding road that has its route shaped by its environment, like a nearby lake or mountain.
* Freeway (FWY) ; 고속도로의 한 종류이고 돈을 내지 않고, 교차로나 샛길이 없는 길
part of a highway with 2 or more lanes on each side, no tolls, sometimes termed expressway, no intersections or cross streets.
* Grove ; thickly sheltered by trees.
* Highway (Hwy) ; 시 와 시를 연결하는 고속도로,
a major public road, usually connecting multiple cities.
* Interstate ; 주 와 주를 연결 하는 고속도로
a highway system connecting usually connecting multiple states, although some exist with no connections.
* Lane (Ln): a narrow road often found in a rural area[시골 지역]. Basically, the opposite of a boulevard.
* Motorway ; 미국에는 보기 드믈어요
similar to a highway, with the term more common in New Zealand, the UK, and Australia, no stopping, no pedestrian or animal traffic allowed.
* Parkway ; a major public road, usually decorated, sometimes part of a highway, has traffic lights.
* Place (Pl) ; 끝이 막힌 길,
1. a road or street that has no throughway or leads to a dead end.
2. similar to a court, or close, usually a short skinny dead end road, with or without cul-de-sac, sometimes p shaped,
* Plaza or Square ; usually a wide open space, but in modern definitions, one of the above probably fits better for a plaza as a road.
* Road (Rd) : Can be anything that connects two points. The most basic of the naming conventions.
* Run ; usually located near a stream or other small body of water.
* Street (St) : 양쪽에 건물이 있는 길
a public way that has buildings on both sides of it. They run perpendicular to avenues.
* Terrace (Ter) : 경사진 꼭대기 길,
a street that follows the top of a slope.
* Trail : 일반적으로 나무가 우거진 산길 (등산 길),
usually in or near a wooded area.
* Turnpike ; 유료 고속도로, 미국에서는 못본 이름,
part of a highway, and usually has a toll, often located close to a city or commercial area.
* Way : 공공도로가 아닌 작은 옆길,
a small side street off a road.