정형 정신병약들, 비정형 정신병약들,
Typical Antipsychotics, Atypical Antipsychotics,
정신병 약은 2가지로 분류된다.
1세대 항정신병약, 전형 항전신병약은 1950년대에 개발한 약(물),
부작용이 강하다.
2새대 항정신병약, 비전형 정신병약은 1980년대부터 개발된 약들,
부작용이 약하다.
1. FGA (First Generation Antipsychotics), 1세대 항정신병약들,
[Typical antipsychotics, 정형 항정신병약들(약물들)]
1950년대부터 사용한 오래된 재래식 약들,
부작용이 강하다. strong [adverse] side effect,
Typical drugs tend to cause extra pyramidal adverse effects at the doses which are effective for psychotic symptoms.
2. SGA (Second Generation Antipsychotics), newer class of medication,
2세대 항정신병 약들,
[Atypical antipsychotics, 비정형 항정신병약(물)],
1980년도부터 부각된 새로이 개발된 약 종류,
부작용이 약하다. Mild side effects, Mild adverse effects,
second-generation antipsychotics tend to have milder movement-related side effects than first-generation antipsychotics,
Antipsychotic medications are commonly categorized into two classes.
FGAs (First Generation Antipsychotics, Typical antipsychotics) were developed in the 1950s,
SGAs (Second Generation Antipsychotics, Atypical antipsychotics) emerged in the 1980s.
^^ 영어;
emerge; 1.(어둠 속이나 숨어 있던 곳에서) 나오다[모습을 드러내다] / 2.드러나다, 알려지다 (=transpire) / 3.생겨나다, 부상하다, 부각되다)
key characteristic of Atypical antipsychotics is that the drugs effectively treat psychoses at doses which do not induce extrapyramidal adverse effects.
^^extrapyramidal adverse effects [추체외로 錐體外路 역효과]
= 추체외로 錐體外路; 중추 신경 계통에서 피라미드로(이게 뭐야? 사전에 안나옴)를 제외하고 운동 조절에 관여하는 기능을 하는 뇌의 여러 부분을 통틀어 이르는 말.
^^ Symptoms of extrapyramidal effects include an inability to sit still, involuntary muscle contraction, tremors, stiff muscles, and involuntary facial movements. They are more commonly caused by typical antipsychotics, but can and do occur with any type of antipsychotic
The term "extrapyramidal effects" describes involuntary movements that you cannot control.
These side effects are most common when taking antipsychotic medications.
When you experience extrapyramidal effects, movements that were once voluntary happen without your control.
항정신병약 찾아보기,
Search Antipsychotics medications;
Good, medlineplus,
Good, drugs.com,
OK, drug search;
wiki; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_antipsychotics
XXX, 비추천.
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